Tuesday 2 December 2014

Peer Review

It was clear that my partner Amelia already had skills for hair, as she completed my design very well within the time frame. Although Amelia was committed to completing my design to a high standard, there were only a few lessons we were able to practise. We swapped groups in the week before the assessments started due to Amelia being absent for one of the practise sessions that week, and I had not been able to practise her look at all in time for the assessment. Apart from Amelia's time management with this project, I have been pleased with what she has produced. She manipulated the hair exactly how I had envisioned it. In the practise sessions, we discussed how the hair from the back of the head should go over the first padding, then the hair from the front go over the top piece of padding, as in the first session she found it difficult to sculpt the hair the way I wanted it to be without pulling the hair from the back out of place. Amelia's skills are high, and it shows this in my final design.

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